余若玫 / 打擊樂
台北教育大學畢業後,前往法國,瑞士日內瓦接受擊樂表演藝術教育並取得碩士文憑。2010/11年為德國”摩登樂集”學院團員(Ensemble Modern Academy—IEMA ensemble),隨後於德國法蘭克福高等音樂學院取得最高演奏家文憑(Konzertexamen)。
2011年與Trio Onyx三重奏於德國柏林獲Boris Pergamenschikow基金會之室內樂首獎。旅歐期間,曾多次參與國際性音樂節演出與各類音樂研習工作坊,嘗試並探索與多方領域合作的表演形態,豐富了其對於當代音樂的語彙,視野及演出經驗。回國後,現為『出入游樂』與『頑劇場』成員,從事擊樂相關表演藝術演出與教學。
Yu Rho-Mei / Percussion
Born in Taiwan, Rho-Mei began her percussion music studies in high school. After graduating from the National Taipei University of Education, she moved to Europe and undertook further studies in percussion performing arts in France, Switzerland and Germany.
In 2010, Rho-Mei was selected as an intern percussionist at the German new music group, Ensemble Modern IEMA. She has performed in numerous international music festivals, including TransArt (Bolzano), Quantensprünge (ZKM Karlsruhe), ROT/Cresc Biennale (Frankfurt), Musica (Strasbourg), Le Cabaret Contemporain / MANiFeste (Paris), Jardin Musicaux (Neuchatel). Currently based in Germany, Rho-Mei is dedicated to performing and composing new music, and in particular she is interested in exploring the possibilities of new music with an interdisciplinary nature.
台北教育大學畢業後,前往法國,瑞士日內瓦接受擊樂表演藝術教育並取得碩士文憑。2010/11年為德國”摩登樂集”學院團員(Ensemble Modern Academy—IEMA ensemble),隨後於德國法蘭克福高等音樂學院取得最高演奏家文憑(Konzertexamen)。
2011年與Trio Onyx三重奏於德國柏林獲Boris Pergamenschikow基金會之室內樂首獎。旅歐期間,曾多次參與國際性音樂節演出與各類音樂研習工作坊,嘗試並探索與多方領域合作的表演形態,豐富了其對於當代音樂的語彙,視野及演出經驗。回國後,現為『出入游樂』與『頑劇場』成員,從事擊樂相關表演藝術演出與教學。
Yu Rho-Mei / Percussion
Born in Taiwan, Rho-Mei began her percussion music studies in high school. After graduating from the National Taipei University of Education, she moved to Europe and undertook further studies in percussion performing arts in France, Switzerland and Germany.
In 2010, Rho-Mei was selected as an intern percussionist at the German new music group, Ensemble Modern IEMA. She has performed in numerous international music festivals, including TransArt (Bolzano), Quantensprünge (ZKM Karlsruhe), ROT/Cresc Biennale (Frankfurt), Musica (Strasbourg), Le Cabaret Contemporain / MANiFeste (Paris), Jardin Musicaux (Neuchatel). Currently based in Germany, Rho-Mei is dedicated to performing and composing new music, and in particular she is interested in exploring the possibilities of new music with an interdisciplinary nature.